After a full year since its official release, Gwent: The Witcher Card Game is coming to mobile. Developer CD Projekt Red has been desperate to roll out an iOS version the popular free-to-play fantasy card game for some time, but has also been cautious to ensure the game is perfectly refined for the platform. Due to hit the App Store at the end of October, here’s why you should consider downloading Gwent to your smartphone.
Modern Version of Traditional Card Games
Gwent is designed to appeal to players of traditional card games, and borrows elements from all of the classics. Anyone who enjoys playing Three Card Poker, European Blackjack, or other table games at Aspers.com may want to consider downloading the fantasy offering. It features bluffing and strategy, just like in a game of Texas Hold’em poker. Players need to second-guess and outwit their opponents, just as they would do against a dealer in blackjack.
To prevail in a game of Gwent, it all comes down to out-valuing your opponent in a best of a 3-round showdown. Players need to keep track of what cards have been played, and try to assess how the opponent could react to certain plays. There is a lot of thought involved, making it much more skill based than many classic card games.
A Taster of the Witcher Universe
Gwent originated in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and features characters from within that universe as well as the books by Andrzej Sapkowski upon which the games were based. Each card is a different character with its own unique ability. The features of the card normally relate to that character’s lore. For instance, Geralt of Rivia is able to incinerate opposing cards with his Igni power.
With The Witcher television series coming to Netflix later this year, Gwent provides a great opportunity to get to know some of the characters beforehand. This can help generate some background knowledge and could lead to better enjoyment of the show.
Regularly Updated and Improved
Fantasy card games like this are at risk of stagnation if they aren’t constantly balanced and refined. Luckily, Gwent has a dedicated team of developers who work towards keeping the game fresh and entertaining. This comes in the form of regular balance patches and expansions.
The expansions usually introduce new and exciting cards, designed to turn the pre-existing Meta on its head. For this reason, no particular deck is able to dominate the game for long periods of time. This encourages players to keep experimenting and trying new things when building their card sets.
When Gwent comes to mobile, it has the opportunity to usurp Hearthstone and other well-established fantasy card games. Players looking for something new and exciting should definitely check it out. It’s only going to increase the hype for the television series.
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