The Apple Watch is a unique device because of its small size. It could be disastrous to think of Watch apps as shrunken down iPhone apps. In fact, the Watch app should almost always do far less than the iPhone app. Here’s why!
How to bring iOS style popup menus to OS X with PopClip
If you use an iPhone or iPad, you’re already familiar with the pop-up menus that appear after selecting text. Thanks to PopClip, that same functionality now comes to your Mac.
Best apps for creating a great looking resume on your iPhone
Creating a great resume doesn’t have to involve a desktop computer anymore. Whether you’re looking for templates that stand out or an option to publish your resume to the web, we’ve got the iPhone apps you need!
How I use todo and task apps on my iPhone
I’m asked what iPhone app I use for tasks and todo’s on almost a daily basis. For me, the answer isn’t as simple as one app. I couldn’t live without Todoist, Due, Fantastical 2, or Apple Notes in my workflow. Here’s why…
Five stock iPhone apps you should replace right now
Some of Apple’s built-in iPhone apps are sufficient — such as Clock, Camera, and Photos. Others, such as Calendar and Notes — have much better App Store alternatives.
A guide to replacing your Windows apps with Mac apps
If you’re switching from a Windows PC to a Mac, you’ll most likely want to make sure your most used apps are either available for Mac, or that there are viable alternatives. Don’t worry, we can help!
How to simplify grocery lists with Apple Watch and Fantastical 2
No one looks forward to grocery shopping — and while lists can make the task slightly less annoying, pulling an iPhone out every few seconds to check things off isn’t ideal either. Fantastical 2 and Apple Watch can change that.